In response to customer concerns, the current downtown parking system will be removed and replaced with one that is easier to use and more customer friendly. Parking spaces on Saginaw Street will be metered with a four-hour maximum stay, and spaces on side streets will be free parking with a two-hour maximum. Until the new system is installed all legal spaces downtown will be free parking. Please note that parking in handicap accessible spaces, alley loading zones, etc. will still result in getting a ticket. Also in response to your suggestions, the Rutherford Ramp entrance booth on Kearsley Street is now staffed Monday through Friday, 8am to 3:30pm, to improve ease of access.
Parking Ticket Payment Information
As of Feb. 1, 2023 there will be a $4.50 convenience fee charged to all ONLINE payments!
Paying in person, by mail or over the phone the convenience fee is waived.
To pay in person or by mail, make payment payable and deliver/send to:
The Downtown Development Authority
502 Church Street
Flint, MI 48502
When paying citations by mail, please allow 3-5 days to ensure that your payment is received on time. Tickets are deemed paid when they are received at The Downtown Development Authority for the City of Flint – Parking Violations Bureau Office.